Taksinus bambus

Taksinus bambus - Songsangchote, Sippawat, Khaikaew & Chomphuphuang, 2021 - (Theraphosidae) - "Tarentule des bambou"

Taksinus bambus sp. nov. from Tak province, Thailand
A, biotope, bamboo forests in mountainous slope areas B tarantula habitat in bamboo culm with entrance hole (below) and secondary entrance (upper)
 C, D, tarantula in bamboo culm
 E, tarantula building silk tube retreats on the cover culm F paratype ♀, TAK3 T. bambus alive.


  • Taksinus bambus - Songsangchote, Sippawat, Khaikaew & Chomphuphuang, 2021
  • Taksinus bambus - Chaowalit Songsangchote, Zongtum Sippawat, Wuttikrai Khaikaew and Narin Chomphuphuang. 2022
  • Taksinus bambus sp. nov.
  • Taksinus bambus gen. nov. sp. nov.


Taksinus bambus sp. nov. paratype ♀, TAK2 A dorsal view

Statut IUCN - (RedList)

Non évalué - (voir sur IUCN)

Voir aussi - (externe)

Date de dernière mise à jour : 05/01/2022

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