Gymnogeophagus jaryi

Gymnogeophagus jaryi - Alonso, Terán, Aguilera, Říčan, Casciotta, Serra, Almirón, Benítez, García & Mirande, 2019 - (Cichlidae)

Live specimens of Gymnogeophagus jaryi sp. nov. in left lateral view from type locality. From Cuña Pirú stream, Paraná River basin, near Aristóbulo del Valle, Misiones Province, Northeastern Argentina.
 (A) Holotype, male CI-FML 7463, 113.1 mm SL, (B) Paratype, female CI-FML 7464, 73.3 mm SL.


  • Gymnogeophagus jaryi - Alonso, Terán, Aguilera, Říčan, Casciotta, Serra, Almirón, Benítez, García & Mirande, 2019
  • Gymnogeophagus jaryi - Felipe Alonso, Guillermo E. Terán, Gastón Aguilera, Oldřich Říčan, Jorge Casciotta, Wilson Sebastián Serra, Adriana Almirón, Mauricio F. Benítez, Ignacio García and Juan Marcos Mirande, 2019
  • Gymnogeophagus jaryi sp. nov.

Répartition géographique

Gymnogeophagus jaryi est une espèce qui se rencontre en Amérique du Sud en Uruguay et Argentine


Live specimens of Gymnogeophagus jaryi sp. nov. in left lateral view, paratype and non-type adult male specimens.
(A) MLP 11293, paratype, same locality as holotype (Cuña Pirú); (B,C) MLP 11295, paratype (Cuña Pirú); (D,E,F) MLP 11365, non-type (Ñacanguazú); (G) Paraguay, not preserved (Ype Curu); (H) Paraguay, not preserved (Manduviyú). It needs to be considered that these pictures of the alive specimens have been taken at night and out of water using the camera’s flash light iluminating from the latterals of the fish, which have slightly altered the colors seen. Also, holding them in hand while taking the pictures produced a slight translucent redish aspect to the fins.

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Date de dernière mise à jour : 25/12/2021

  • 2 votes. Moyenne 5 sur 5.

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