Haplochromis falcatus

Haplochromis falcatus - Vranken, Van Steenberge, Heylen, Decru & Snoeks, 2022 - (Cichlidae) - Cichlidé

Haplochromis rex,
Haplochromis simba,
Haplochromis glaucus
Vranken, Van Steenberge, Heylen, Decru & Snoeks, 2022

Haplochromis aquila,
Haplochromis kimondo,
Haplochromis falcatus,

Vranken, Van Steenberge, Heylen, Decru & Snoeks, 2022


  • Haplochromis falcatus - Vranken, Van Steenberge, Heylen, Decru & Snoeks, 2022
  • Haplochromis falcatus - Nathan Vranken, Maarten Van Steenberge, Annelies Heylen, Eva Decru and Jos Snoeks, 2022
  • Haplochromis falcatus sp. nov.


Haplochromis rex sp. nov. a. c–d. Photographs of freshly caught specimens. c. Holotype, a dominant male. d. A female (RMCA 2017.006.P.0355; 135.7 mm SL) to illustrate the live colour patterns.  
Haplochromis simba sp. nov. c–d. Photographs of freshly caught specimens. c. Dominant male (RMCA 2016.035.P.0224; 97.9 mm SL). d. Female (RMCA 2018.008.P.0348; 109.0 mm SL) to illustrate the live colour patterns.
Haplochromis glaucus sp. nov. c–d. Photographs of freshly caught specimens. c. Dominant male,  the  holotype. d. Female  (RMCA  2019.002.P.0017;  102.1  mm  SL)  to  illustrate  the  live  colour  patterns.

Haplochromis aquila sp. nov. c–d. Photographs of freshly caught specimens. c. Dominant male,  the  holotype.  d.  Female  (RMCA  2018.008.P.0352;  108.7  mm  SL)  to  illustrate  the  live  colour  patterns.
Haplochromis kimondo sp. nov. c–d. Photographs of freshly caught specimens. c. Holotype, a dominant male. d. Female (RMCA 2018.008.P.0364; 128.1 mm SL) to illustrate the live colour patterns.  
Haplochromis falcatus sp. nov. c–d. Photographs of freshly caught specimens. c. Dominant male (RMCA 2017.006.P.0416; 119.1 mm SL). d. Female (RMCA 2016.035.P.0257; 112.8 mm SL) to illustrate the live colour patterns.

Haplochromis curvidens sp. nov. c–d. Photographs of freshly caught specimens. c. Holotype, an adult male. d. Female (RMCA 2018.008.P.0340); 90.2 mm SL) to illustrate the live colour patterns.
Haplochromis quasimodo sp. nov. c–d. Photographs of freshly caught specimens. c. Dominant male (RMCA 2018.008.P(HP3072); 123.7 mm SL). d. Female (RMCA 2018.008.P(HP3064); 116.6 mm SL) to illustrate the live colour patterns.
Haplochromis squamipinnis Regan, 1921. c–d. Photographs of freshly caught specimens. c. Dominant  male  (RMCA  2016.035.P.0250;  169.7  mm  SL).  d.  Female  (RMCA  2016.035.P(HP823);  129.6 mm SL) to illustrate the live colour patterns.
 The contrast was slightly enhanced.

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