Hemiphyllodactylus zalonicus

Hemiphyllodactylus zalonicus - Grismer, Chit, Pawangkhanant, Nazarov, Zaw & Poyarkov, 2021 - (Gekkonidae) - Gecko nain

Hemiphyllodactylus zalonicus sp. nov. from Zalon Mountain, Zalon Taung National Forest, Ban Mauk District, Sagaing Region, northern Myanmar, in life.
Holotype (ZMMU R-16635, female):(a) General dorsolateral view. (b) Ventral view of tail. (c) Lateral view of head. Paratype (ZDUM-2019.12.29-038, female)
Photos by Parinya Pawangkhanant


  • Hemiphyllodactylus zalonicus - Grismer, Chit, Pawangkhanant, Nazarov, Zaw & Poyarkov, 2021
  • Hemiphyllodactylus zalonicus - L. Lee Grismer, May Thu Chit, Parinya Pawangkhanant, Roman A. Nazarov, Than Zaw and Nikolay A. Poyarkov, 2021
  • Hemiphyllodactylus zalonicus sp. nov.

Répartition géographique

Hemiphyllodactylus zalonicus est une espèce originaire de la Chaîne de Mangin, région de Sagaing, nord du Myanmar, Asie.



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